CategoryMarketing Cloud (ExactTarget)

A/B Testing in Marketing Cloud


 A/B Testing Marketing Cloud  Why A/B Testing :- We use standard A/B testing to determine which version of your email(Or a subject line)receives the highest click-through rate or highest unique open rate. On the basis of that, we sends the best performing version to the remaining subscribers or Data Extentions. You can test the following elements: Test Type            Description Subject...

How to create Custom Unsubscribe Page – Marketing Cloud


Here is the method using which you can create custom Unsubscribe page for your Emails. You need to follow below steps: 1. Create HTML Cloud page. 2. Then you need to include below ampscript code in it: %%[ VAR @sid, @jid, @listid, @batchid, @reason, @lue, @lue_prop, @lue_statusCode, @overallStatus, @requestId, @lue_Response, @lue_Status, @lue_Error SET @sid =...

How to Upload/Transfer a File in/from FTP using “WinSCP” app – Salesforce Marketing Cloud


To Download WinSCP for FTP: Navigate to  Click on Installation package Once the file Download is complete. Open the file and Click Run > Accept > Next > Next > Install > Finish Once WinSCP app opens up: Select File Protocol as “FTP” Enter the following Credentials. Host: You can get this from the FTP Account Setup Username: “Enter Your Username” Password:...

Pass the parameter Values from Landing Page URL to Data Extensions – Ampscript


I have a simple Landing page, and it’s URL contains some parameter values and those parameters are also Fields in a Data Extension of a Marketing Cloud Account. To update those parameter values into the Marketing Data Extension when a URL is pasted in your Web Browser, I would follow the below steps: Let us have an example URL of a landing page: For the full landing page url...

How to Upload files on FTP using FileZilla- Salesforce Marketing Cloud


Marketing Cloud FTP cannot be accessed directly from Marketing Cloud UI. For that you need to install third party ftp clients. Below is the method to Import/Export files using one of the ftp client FileZilla. Download the latest version of FileZilla, google it. Install it.  Open Filezilla  Enter- Host, Username, Password and Port. ( all these details you can find in your Marketing Cloud account...
