
Implement CAPTCHA In CodeIgniter


CAPTCHA is a randomly generated string (or a set of images) that appears when verification is required. It is an essential requirement for cutting down the spam at a website. In many cases, it is the only line of defense a website has against bots that spam websites. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how you can easily implement CAPTCHA in your CodeIgniter projects. Create Controller The...

How to Integrate Pardot with WordPress via Contact Form 7


When you want to submit your form to third-party CRM like (pardot, Salesforce, MailChimp etc.) or if you want to change action URL of the form please following steps. To get this to work you need to have following things. 1.   WordPress website 2.  Contact Form7 Plugin – WordPress Plugin 3.  Forms: 3rd Party Integration – WordPress Plugin 4.  Pardot and the ability to create form handler 1...

How to check user exist or not in pardot prospect using api-php


The Pardot API should be accessed via POST for all operations . For the most part the API does not use the standard HTTP response codes to convey the outcome of the request, rather it always returns 2 response codes and sends back its own set of status codes that need to be handled. Steps for the check user in prospect : Step 1 : Login to pardot by api : $url =...

Top 5 PHP Frameworks of 2017


List of top 5 PHP Frameworks of 2017 Before beginning the list of top 5 PHP frameworks of 2017, PHP is one of the most favored server-side scripting languages known for its simplicity, PHP frameworks complement PHP, by providing developers with some pre-built modules, a platform to create robust, reusable components, and by enabling faster development cycles. PHP frameworks give the users a basic...

What is REST API in PHP?


Before explaining what is ‘REST API‘ we should know what is ‘REST’ and ‘API’. REST stands for ‘Representational State Transfer’. REST is web standards-based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol for exchanging data between applications or systems. It is a simple way to interact with independent systems. API stands for ‘Application Programming...

PHP for the Internet of Things


Analysts claim the connected devices to reach the mark of 6.5 billion by the starting of 2017. This makes PHP and IOT go hand in hand. Thanks to icicle, one can write asynchronous code using synchronous coding techniques in PHP. It means that now the PHP code is able to run several tasks by using the same script. Methods of asynchronous programming provide better data exchange between connected...

How To Show Multiple Overlays In Google Maps


Overlays or Markers are quite important in Google Maps. Many times we come across situations when we need to show multiple overlays (markers) in our Map. In this tutorial I will be explaining how we can plot markers at desired locations using Lat Long coordinates. In my script I have taken source and destination and have shown route with Overlays (Markers) using Lat Lng. <html> <head>...

Make future payment using Braintree payment gateway


This tutorial is for those who are developing a mobile application and they want to charge a customer(one or more time) in future. In this tutorial I am going to explain backend functionality in details. Most of the time we need charge to  customer  in future. Some developers may store details in the database but this is not the best way when it comes to security. Fortunately this feature is...

Adding Ion Auth authentication library in a Codeigniter Framework


Ion Auth is a simple and lightweight authentication library for the CodeIgniter framework. Installation Download the latest version: Copy the files from this package to the correspoding folder in your application folder. For example, copy Ion_auth/config/ion_auth.php to system/application/config/ion_auth.php. You can also copy the entire directory structure into your third_party/ folder. For...

Error with memcached in wordpress on windows localhost.


I was trying to setup my wordpress website,, on windows localhost & had really tough time solving memcache related issues. After 2 days of efforts, finally here is perfect solution: 1. Verify your PHP version matches the one which was for your live site. In my case, it was 5.3.x on live site but had 5.6 on my latest xampp local server. So I installed installed earlier...
