If you have previously used Redux in a React project, you will eventually need to handle side effects (asynchronous) such as API requests or setting timeout and intervals since they are necessary while developing features for a “complex online application.” The Redux design takes an action and a state and then returns a new state to offer predictable state change. There are no built...
Using EJS Template In Node Applications
Introduction: When fast for creating a node application, the faster way for template the application is very necessary and important sometimes. Jade is the default template engine for Express, but Jade syntax is very complex for many use cases for Express JS web applications. Embedded JavaScript (EJS) can be an alternative template engine for the Express JS template requirement and usages...
How Are Functional Components Different From Classes?
React Components The react components are independent and reusable bits of code. The react components serve the same purpose as JavaScript functions, but work in isolation and return HTML via a render () function. A component is combination of 1. Template using HTML 2. User Interactivity using JS 3. Applying Styles using CSS The React app will have many components like header component...
Lifecyle Methods in Reactjs
React apps are basically a collection of independent components that run according to interaction with one another. Every component has a lifecycle of its own. It can be defined as the methods that are invoked during different stages of its existence. If we talk about the stages of a component’s lifecycle, it will be as follows. Initialization: This is the stage where a component gets...
React Context API: A Lightweight Alternative to Redux
The Context provides a path to pass data through the component tree without passing props down manually at every component. Context API (React API) solves a lot of problems that modern applications face due to state management and how they’re passing state to the components. Instead of installing a state management library in your project which will cost our project performance and increase our...
REST APIs in React: Axios vs Fetch API
Introduction APIs generally charge our applications with data. The client-side of the application consumes data from API which is normally in JSON format and is with specified endpoints. This information will look into the two ways, an application can consume an API. These ways are through ‘Fetch’ API which is a browser built-in API used to make the necessary HTTP requests and the Axios API which...