Sometimes we need to populate related field according to selected lookup filed for the form submissions etc. and we need this to be happen at run-time. ex: In visualforce form contains lookup field of Account object and two field like Email,Phone when user select Account lookup the Email and Phone field will be populated from Account’s email and phone field.
We can achieve this using <apex:actionsupport> tag .
Vf page:
<apex: page standardController=”Test__c” extensions=”AutoPopulateExample “>
<apex:inputField value=”{!Testing.Name__c}” />
<apex:inputField value=”{!Testing.AccountName__c}” >
<apex:actionSupport event =”onchange” action=”{!autoCal}” reRender=”accEmail,accPhone”>
<apex:inputField value =”{!Testing.Email__c}” id=”accEmail” />
<apex::inputField value =”{!Testing.Phone__c}” id=”accPhone” />
<apex:commandButton value=”Save” action=”{!save}” />
Apex Controller:
public class AutoPopulateExample
public Test__c Testing {get;set;}
public AutoPopulateExample(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
Testing = new Test__c();
//function is called from actionsupport event
public PageReference autoCal()
Id accId = Testing.AccountName__c; // collecting account id from visualforce page
List<Account> accLst = [select id,Email,Phone from Account where id=:accid];
Testing.Email__c = accLst[0].Email; // assigning Account email to visualforce page
Testing.Phone__c= accLst[0].Phone; // assigning Account phone to visualforce page