Docusign Salesforce Field Mapping


In this tutorial i am going to explain how we can map docusign fields with salesforce object fields.

Most of the time we need the user data to be writtneback to the salesforce. Once user finish it’s docusign document. At that time we need to create the custom fields on docusign. I hope you already have installed and setup docusign manage package in salesforce .

Login to the docusign and select your uploaded template, you will see the following screen.


You can see there are two sections for field one is standard section which is provided by docusign and other one is custom. We’ll use custom. In order to create (or you can edit existing) custom field click on Edit button in in custom field section. You’ll see the screen for adding a new field.


In order to map field with salesforce you need to check on Relate to salesforce checkbox and select the object and it’s field you want to map. If you want field data enter by user should be writeback to the salesforce then check writeback checkbox. Once you map this field just click on Done button you will see your field in custom field section in docusign. Like this you can add one or more fields(try to map all the fields with the same or related object in salesforce).

Great!!..Now that you have mapped field, the next step is you’ll drag and drop those added custom fields on docusign document. Now send docusign document from salesforce to your email id, finish the document and check if data is writeback or not back to the salesforce.

About the author

By nilesh.borse
