Java Script Utility Libraries You Must Know


The JavaScript programming language is more well-liked than ever these days. Without a doubt, it is the most used language on the web. Its ability to be used on browsers, servers, mobile applications, and much more is fantastic.

In addition, JavaScript has a strong ecosystem with a wide range of beneficial libraries and frameworks. Utilizing these libraries and frameworks will enable you to speed up the coding process and simplify your life.

As you are aware, beginning a new project from scratch and creating every single line of code by hand is a challenging task, particularly if you are working on projects with deadlines. To help you to hasten the coding process and increase your productivity, frameworks and libraries are used.

This post will provide you with a list of essential JavaScript libraries that you may use to save time and make jobs easier for yourself. So let’s get started straight away.

  1. Underscore
  2. Lodash
  3. Ramda
  4. Lazy
  5. Sugar
  6. Collect JS
  7. Moment/date-fns
  8. Chart JS

1) Underscore.js

Underscore is a utility library that is widely used to deal with arrays, collections and objects in JavaScript. It can use in both frontend and backend-based JavaScript applications. Usage of these libraries includes filtering from arrays, mapping objects, extending objects, operating with functions and more.

2) Lodash

NPM’s most popular and widely used package was designed to provide more consistent cross-environment iteration support for arrays, strings, objects, and arguments objects.

3) Ramda

Ramda is a fantastic framework that makes functional programming in JavaScript much simpler for you.
The library never modifies user data and makes it simpler to build functional pipelines.

Some characteristics:
Create curry-based functions automatically.
functions without side effects and immutability.

4) Lazy.js

At 5K stars, lazy.js is a functional utility library for JavaScript with a lazy engine that “strives to do as little work as possible” while still being flexible enough.

The library has no external dependencies, and here’s a live demo of testing DOM events as a sequence.

5) Sugar

Sugar is a Javascript utility library for working with native objects.

Custom builds and modularized npm packages let you use just what you need (can also be combined with Bit), and users can define methods or use plugins to handle specialized use cases.

Worth checking out.

6) Math.js

JavaScript’s built-in Math library is compatible with Math.js, a comprehensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.

A flexible expression parser, symbolic computing capabilities, and a substantial collection of built-in functions and constants are all features of the library.

7) Collect.js

With an API that is (nearly) comparable to Laravel Collections 5.5, collect.js is a very promising and dependency-free wrapper for working with arrays and objects in Javascript. It has hundreds of fascinating functions.

The library is well-maintained and is something to watch out for.

8) Moment/date-fns

At nearly 40K stars, moment.js is a JavaScript date and time manipulation library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.

The moment was designed to work both in the browser and Node.js. As of v 2.10.0, the code has been written in ECMAScript 6 modules.

SD Times news digest: Moment.js is in maintenance mode, .NET 5.0 RC 1  released, and Android GPU Inspector open beta - SD Timesdate-fns

Date-fns is built using pure functions and keeps things immutable while not changing passed date instances. It works well with bundlers such as webpack, Browserify, or Rollup and also supports tree-shaking.

9) Chart.js

At nearly 40k stars, chart.js is a remarkable example of how sometimes less is more with 8 different data visualization types, each of them animated and customized.

Chart.js lets you create simple HTML5 Charts using the

This is one of the most applicable and elegant libraries on the list.


So there you have it—a collection of helpful JavaScript utility libraries you may utilise to develop new applications faster and more efficiently. I’m not suggesting you have to use libraries all the time, but if you want to simplify your project, there are situations when it makes sense to do so.

About the author

Praveen Sankadal
By Praveen Sankadal
