
How to add an audio file to a button in Unity3D


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System; public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour { public AudioSource audioSource; public AudioClip palySound; void Start ()  { } public void OnGUI() {  if(GUI.Button(new Rect(50,200,100,45),”Play”))  { audioSource.PlayOneShot(palySound); } }} when we attached the script in the inspector. we have to attach the AudioSource  from the...

How to Create Write and Read a file in iphone without using playerprefs in unity3d


it is not that easy to read or write file in iphone we have to give the specific path in order to read or write. here is the sample code using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; public static class GameManager { private static string path; public static void starting () { path = Application.dataPath.Substring (0, Application.dataPath.Length - 20...

How to make an AI Enemy Car in which it follows the track during the Race ?


The AI for enemy car can be done by using waypoints method.. the following code is used var waypoint : Transform[]; var speed : float =20; private var currentWaypoint : int; var loop : boolean = true; function Awake() {waypoint[0]=transform;} function Update () { if(currentWaypoint < waypoint.Length) { var target : Vector3 = waypoint[currentWaypoint].position; var moveDirection : Vector3 =...

Weird movment of character in Unity3D


Question:I imported a simple 3d model from which I construtected a terain. For a test I use box(mesh), but movment is really weird like that models would be realy bumpy. Because of that I also tryed to switch my models with unity meshes but it’s same   Answer:In ur game select cube in that u have added rigidbody. In Rigidbody select the constraints in that u will see freeze rotation...

CActive Object in Symbian C++


Active Object provides a support for asynchronous process. let’s see example of Timer using CActive :- Active Object can be implemented by deriving from the CActive class void CTestTimerAO::RunL()//RunL-The handler function to be invoked by the active scheduler when the request completes { iTimeString = _L(“”); iMs = iMs + 1; TUint64 minute; TUint64 second; TUint64 millisecond;...

Movement from Unity 3d into Unity 3D iOS or Android


if u want to using buttons use this it will work in unity 3d and ios void OnGUI() { if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(50,210,40,40),"up")) { transform.Translate(Vector3.forward*Time.deltaTime*50); } if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(50,280,40,40),"down")) { transform.Translate(Vector3.back*Time.deltaTime*50); } if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(10,250,40,40),"left")) { transform.Rotate(Vector3.down, 90*Time...
