CategoryGeneral / Mix Platforms

Image Download Function in


public Image DownloadImage(string _URL) { Image _tmpImage = null; try { // Open a connection System.Net.HttpWebRequest _HttpWebRequest = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(_URL); _HttpWebRequest.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true; // You can also specify additional header values like the user agent or the referer: (Optional) _HttpWebRequest.UserAgent = “Mozilla/5.0...

Screen Orientations Methods in unity3d


There are 3 types of orientation in Rotate only landscape public void AutoOrientToLandScape() { if(Vector3.Dot(Input.acceleration.normalized,new Vector3(1,0,0)) > 0.45)  { Screen.orientation=ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight; } else if(Vector3.Dot(Input.acceleration.normalized,new Vector3(-1,0,0)) > 0.45)  { Screen.orientation=ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; } } Rotate only Portrait public...

Converting Sencha Touch 2 in Android.


Requirement  –Android SDK Tools Steps to package your Android application 1-     Obtain an appropriate Android ready certificate (debug or release) for signing the application 2-     Install Sencha SDK Tools (SenchaSDKTools 2.0). 3-     Create a packaging configuration file to be use with the packager. 4-     Run the packager to create a packaged .apk. Create a packaging configuration file...

How to solve “extra qualification” compiler error of symbian 5th SDK


Error:extra qualification ‘CAknVolumeControl::’ on member ‘ScaledValue’ Solution: This problem is caused by CAknVolumeControl which is a part of the underlying Symbian SDK. The additional qualifier used on the ScaledValue() function does not compile with the GCCE compiler. This error should be reported to the Symbian Foundation so that they can change it in S60. In the...

How to create simple Tabs and Buttons in Sencha


Sencha Touch is used to create HTML5 based mobile apps that work on Android, iOS and Blackberry devices. – To develope  Sencha Touch Applications,  two things are needed: 1. Sencha Touch 2SDK 2. SDK Tools -There is a command to develop  Sencha Touch Application: E:wampwwwsencha-touch-2.0.1>sencha generate app  <Application Name >../<Application Name> -It will create a...

How to add an audio file to a button in Unity3D


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System; public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour { public AudioSource audioSource; public AudioClip palySound; void Start ()  { } public void OnGUI() {  if(GUI.Button(new Rect(50,200,100,45),”Play”))  { audioSource.PlayOneShot(palySound); } }} when we attached the script in the inspector. we have to attach the AudioSource  from the...

Five ways to pull yourself out of workaholism


‘In sickness and in health and till death do us part’ – if these are the vows your family and friends think you have exchanged with your Blackberry/keyboard/iPad, then you are a certified workaholic. The symptoms are many, but some of the significant ones are that you punch away nonstop, receive every call from office and take your meals at odd hours to finish that extra bit at...
