AuthorShraddha Ingale

Alternative for xib in swift3 iOS


Hi all, Lets see the simplest and best way to replace or avoid use of xib by using UIView on storyboard.    Go on storyboard ,select Viewcontroller Drag UIView and drop it between FirstResponder and exit button on that.  Add IBOutlet of that UIView on ViewController.swift file.  set the center, width, height for that UIView  Refer Following code :   ——– IBOutlet...

One fantastic way to Load ‘CollectionView’ inside ‘TableViewCell’ using Two ‘Extensions’ in swift3, iOS


As We know we, Often, we assign a collection view’s data source to its view controller. But here the problem is that we have only one view controller and many collection views. As I have taken number of ‘Sections’ inside table view. so following is the Solution to distinguish between a collection view on the first section , and one on the second , third and fourth… So here is a way to...
