
Volley Library to make network connection from Android App


Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley network calls works asynchronously, so we don’t have to worry about using asynctask anymore. Volley comes with lot of features. Some of them are 1. Effective request cache and memory management 2. Cancelling the requests To use volley library...

Hello …. Monkey !!!


The main issue i used to struggle with while developing android applications was stress testing. As a beginner it was very hectic job to test the application from the naive users perspective. As we develop the application we know what things to do to get the result but to check whether the app responds properly even for wrong events like tapping wrong button etc. Android provided a tool Monkey...

Loading data in listview on scroll without refreshing list


This tutorial will give you brief idea about how to load the data in ListView on scroll down. i came across this situation when i was developing the app where only 10 records to be displayed at start. On scroll the list when user reaches the last record more data gets added to the list like facebook posts. The idea behind this was to get 10 records from web service first and display the list...
