Unfortunately, at this time in pardot there is no default option on the email reports to view prospects who have not open the email.
With this limitation in mind, Now we can pull a list of prospects that have not opened a particular email using tags and a dynamic list.
Eg: Consider I have send an email “ SUBJECT_TEST” to 1000 of my prospects out of which 600 prospects have opened this email and their names can be seen under “unique HTML click open” but there is no option to see the names of the prospects who have not opened the email.
The steps would be roughly as follows:
1.) In the email report click on ‘Unique HTML Opens’
2.) Select all prospects in the prospect table and bulk add a tag to them using the table action at the bottom of the page e.g. unopened – email X – 8.11.17
3.) Return to the email report and click on ‘Total Sent’
4.) Select all prospects in the prospect table and bulk add a different tag using a table action e.g. sent – email X – 8.11.17
5.) Create a new dynamic list with the below criteria
Prospect tag : is : sent – email X – 8.11.17
Prospect tag : isn’t : unopened – email X – 8.11.17
This will allow you to pull an exportable list of all prospects who were sent a particular email but did not open it.