
How to compress Image in gzip format


Some times the Size of images are too large and in some of the applications images are needed to save on particular server but because off large size it takes lots off time to save into server.If we compress that image into a particular format then we can save some space of server. Step 1 – Create one Category and add libz.dylib library. Step 2 – in .h file i.e in interface...

How to create Passes for passbook in iOS6


Passes are everything in your pocket Apple’s simplified explanation of passes is that they are “everything in your pocket.” I like that line very much, because it demonstrates so well how imaginative you can and should be about creating your pass applications and services. Passes can be anything. “But what are they, anyway?”, you might ask. Well, here’s how a pass looks on the iPhone: You can...

Updates in iOS 6


A lot has happened in iOS 6 and apple has a document which you may read it from here. The above document will guide you out regarding the changes that has happened in iOS technology. UIKIT Framework In iOS 5.1, the UISplitViewController class adopts the sliding presentation style when presenting the left view (previously seen only in Mail). This style is used when presentation is initiated either...

UIRefreshControl in iOS6


  All our clients want to have a basic functionality when its regarding the data display in the table view and that is having a spinner at it’s top. To do this you have the EGORefreshDemo that is available and is a little bit tricky to handle but is quite cool.  In iOS 6 apple has been a little open hearted to provide you with a class named UIRefreshControl which is similar in fashion...

Create Horizontal UIPickerView (Custom)


So lets get started, first of all, all you need to do is drop a UIPickerView object on your view in the Interface Builder. Then in your .h file input: view plainprint? #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewController : UIViewController <UIPickerViewDelegate> { IBOutlet UIPickerView *pickerView; NSMutableArray *itemArray; } @property (nonatomic, retain)  UIPickerView *pickerView; @end...

Get SIM card details of iPhone


Here is the code to get SIM card details of iPhone 1) Add CoreTelephony framework 2) Import following libraries #import <CoreTelephony/CTCarrier.h> #import <CoreTelephony/CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h> 3) Use this code to get details CTTelephonyNetworkInfo* info = [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init]; CTCarrier* carrier = info.subscriberCellularProvider; NSString *carrierName = carrier...

Post Image on friends facebook wall


Note: Remember one thing image is a file and if you want to post a file on your friends wall then in that case you have to make use of a class named “FBGraphFile”. – (IBAction)postImageButtonclicked:(id)sender { if (fbgraphref!=nil) { NSMutableDictionary *variables = [[NSMutableDictionaryalloc]initWithCapacity:2]; FbGraphFile *fbfile = [[FbGraphFile alloc]initWithImage:imgv...

How to keep original orientation of the UIImage..


Hello All, While working on an application, I was having the client’s requirement that, while displaying an image in imageview the image must be of same orientation same as the original. After googling, I got the way for doing this. Here is the way, UIImage *image; //Here assign the image which you want UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] init]; imageView.image = image; imageView...

Showing a Popover in iPad


The UIPopoverController class (for iPad) is a very neat way to present information to the user. In this blog, we’ll show how to use this class to present a popover view when the user touches a button. Let’s see how it works. Start Xcode, click on “Create a new Xcode project,” and select the Single View Application template. Name the project PopoverDemo, and choose options as shown here: Click...
