ArchiveApril 2012

Set Timer in Blackberry Application


This Code shows how to set Timer in your blackberry Application. Step-1: Implement Runnable interface.And add unimplemented methods.And set this fields. private long startTime; private Thread updater; private boolean isRunning= false; private final static SimpleDateFormat timerFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“ss.SSS”); private final Runnable displayUpdater= new Runnable() { public void...

Salesforce form integration (web-to-lead) with PHP and cURL


In the example below I am only showing the basic process. I am leaving out the validation code for the fields and any submission code to MySQL database. One security advantage of this process is hiding your organisation id within a variable in the submission page rather than on the live page with the form. // SF Org Id. $oid = "0113543434646"; I first check if cURL is enabled before processing...

Java : Object oriented programming language (Part – 1)


Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. It is an object oriented programming language. Now, what is mean by ‘Object oriented’ ? In object oriented programming, everything is in the form of object. Objects are the fundamental units in object oriented language, which are having their own behavior, specific purpose. Syntax of Java is just like C++...
