Authorswati nuna

Create php webservice in json format


<?php include(‘config.php’); $webid = $_GET[‘webid’]; $callback = $_REQUEST[‘callback’]; $sql = “SELECT * FROM `Restaurant_main` where `webid` = ‘$webid'”; $result = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error()); $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result); $db_webid = $row1[‘webid’]; if($db_webid == $webid){ $sql1 = “SELECT * FROM...

How to use CKeditor in php


step 1. Download CKeditor file. step 2. Paste ckeditor file on root directory or you can paste it where the files of your project. step 3. Add the Javascript and code into desired page. Add javascript to the files for which you will use the editor – <script type=”text/javascript” src=”ckeditor/ckeditor.js”></script> <script...

How to read excel file in php


<?php // SimpleXLSX php class v0.4 // MS Excel 2007 workbooks reader // Example: //   $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX(‘book.xlsx’); //   print_r( $xlsx->rows() ); // Example 2: //   $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX(‘book.xlsx’); //   print_r( $xlsx->rowsEx() ); // Example 3: //   $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX(‘book.xlsx’); //   print_r( $xlsx->rows(2) ); // second worksheet...

Code to add facebook share button


<script> function fbs_click() { u=location.href; t=document.title;‘(u)+’&t=’+encodeURIComponent(t),’sharer’, ‘toolbar=0, status=0, width=626, height=436’); return false; } </script> <a rel=”nofollow” href=”javascript://” onclick=”return fbs_click();” style=”background:url( …...

Converting Sencha Touch 2 in Android.


Requirement  –Android SDK Tools Steps to package your Android application 1-     Obtain an appropriate Android ready certificate (debug or release) for signing the application 2-     Install Sencha SDK Tools (SenchaSDKTools 2.0). 3-     Create a packaging configuration file to be use with the packager. 4-     Run the packager to create a packaged .apk. Create a packaging configuration file...

How to create simple Tabs and Buttons in Sencha


Sencha Touch is used to create HTML5 based mobile apps that work on Android, iOS and Blackberry devices. – To develope  Sencha Touch Applications,  two things are needed: 1. Sencha Touch 2SDK 2. SDK Tools -There is a command to develop  Sencha Touch Application: E:wampwwwsencha-touch-2.0.1>sencha generate app  <Application Name >../<Application Name> -It will create a...
