ArchiveMay 2016

Lead Conversion: Order of execution of triggers


On conversion of Lead following is the order of execution of triggers of Account, Opportunity, Contact and Lead: 1) Account Before Trigger 2) Account After Trigger 3) Opportunity Before Trigger 4) Opportunity After Trigger 5) Contact Before Triger 6) Contact After Trigger 7) Lead Before Trigger 8) Lead After Trigger All other processes(validations, workflows,approval process, process builders etc...

Reading Mind Technology


Reading Mind Technology What if Mind reading turns out to be a reality then days are not too far when our Smartphone will not of any use. Because then people would be able to connect with others through their minds. It is not fake but reality that many scientists have been working towards decoding the mind and thoughts of human. Researchers and scientists have already achieved the success in...

Steps to perform Black Box Testing Methodology


Hi, friends today we will learn Black box testing, this is a very useful testing technique in Software testing. In this technique we give input and get output without knowing how the output is generated. Black box testing is also called as Behavioral testing. Methods of Black box Testing: Error Guessing: In this technique we randomly put any values not fixed values, and get output. It is not the...

Abstract class to get a address from current location in Android


public abstract class ReverseGeocoderTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> { private static final String TAG = "ReverseGeocoder"; private String value = "Checking your location..."; public abstract void onAddressFound(String address); private float mLat; private float mLng; private Activity mContext; public ReverseGeocoderTask(Activity context, Location location) { mContext = context;...

How to get last modified field value or previous field value without using Trigger


Today in this post i will explain you how you can get last modified value or previous value without using trigger Creating aText Field: Create aTEXT (255) field on the Object and name it say: Old Value 2. Setting up the Workflow Rule + Field Update   Go toSetup | Create | Workflows & Approvals | Workflow Rules New Rule Select theObject ClickNext Evaluation Criteria:created and every time...

Docusign Salesforce Field Mapping


In this tutorial i am going to explain how we can map docusign fields with salesforce object fields. Most of the time we need the user data to be writtneback to the salesforce. Once user finish it’s docusign document. At that time we need to create the custom fields on docusign. I hope you already have installed and setup docusign manage package in salesforce . Login to the docusign and...

How To Show Multiple Overlays In Google Maps


Overlays or Markers are quite important in Google Maps. Many times we come across situations when we need to show multiple overlays (markers) in our Map. In this tutorial I will be explaining how we can plot markers at desired locations using Lat Long coordinates. In my script I have taken source and destination and have shown route with Overlays (Markers) using Lat Lng. <html> <head>...

Volley Library to make network connection from Android App


Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley network calls works asynchronously, so we don’t have to worry about using asynctask anymore. Volley comes with lot of features. Some of them are 1. Effective request cache and memory management 2. Cancelling the requests To use volley library...

Make future payment using Braintree payment gateway


This tutorial is for those who are developing a mobile application and they want to charge a customer(one or more time) in future. In this tutorial I am going to explain backend functionality in details. Most of the time we need charge to  customer  in future. Some developers may store details in the database but this is not the best way when it comes to security. Fortunately this feature is...

Auto populate related field when lookup filed is selected at run time in visualforce page.


Sometimes we need to populate related field according to selected lookup filed for the form submissions etc. and we need this to be happen at run-time. ex: In visualforce form contains lookup field of Account object and two field like Email,Phone when user select Account lookup the Email and Phone field will be populated  from Account’s email and phone field. We can achieve this using...
