ArchiveMarch 2014

PHP Security: HTTP Authentication


You possible have found a web page that you want to open, sudden peep out a dialog window asking for username and password. common example is early page at cpanel (control panel to manage the web server use web based). It use HTTP Authentication. In protecting web page with HTTP authentication, you have to deliver two header. header WWW-AUTHENTICATE tell to browser that an username and password...

How to call visualforce page in Salesforce1


Its pretty easy: <apex:page> <script> try {'/apex/myVFPage'); } catch(e) { window.location.href = '/apex/myVFPage'; } </script> </apex:page> But you would come to a problem eventually that the vf page where I wrote above code, suppose testSF1 … how do I call that page? Here is manual way: 1. Create new visualforce tab for this testSF1 page...

How to write data into NFC tags in Android?


NFC stands for “Near Field Communication” and, as the name implies, it enables short range communication between compatible devices. This requires at least one transmitting device, and another to receive the signal.  NFC allows you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered device, or between two Android-powered devices. I was developing an application in which I...

How to post custom facebook stories to timeline


1.Create a facebook app & setup app id with your project. 2.create your own story from facebook app opengraph section by creating action & object. 3.Post one story to app owner timeline & submit it to the facebook review team so that it will be become public for app user & can be seen publicaly on timeline follwing code shows the how to post the story. -(void)Poststory { NSString...

Moving view along with fingure touch


You can move any view inside your viewcontroller simply adding pangestureRecogniser -(void)ViewDidLoad { //add pangesture recognise to your moving view UIPanGestureRecognizer *mSwipeUpRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handletapgesture:)]; [mSwipeUpRecognizer setMaximumNumberOfTouches:1]; [mSwipeUpRecognizer setMaximumNumberOfTouches:1]; [Yourview...

Handling Push Notification in iOS


The push notification is quite complex part to handle. Get it done in only Three easy steps 1] Register for push notification 2] Get Device token 3] Implement delegate methods to handle push notification   1] Register for push notification – (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // register for remote notification...

How to add Activity History while sending emails in Salesforce


Hi Friends, many of you know the Salesforce SingleEmailMessage method,In fact you have used it in your apex code. But when we send mail through this method by default it doesn’t add mail into related list of recipient’s activity history. If you are stuck with this type of issue, then below I’m providing the solution for this. setSaveAsActivity(true); Add this method into your code which...

Adding multiple uicontrollers on view


If we create multiple controllers programmatically, we generally use for loop but we can add the same controllers by using the methods, example: 1. By using for loop   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { UITextField *textField= [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 20+40*i, 117, 30)]; textField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect; textField.font = [UIFont...

Show/Hide fields as Picklist value changes using Deluge script in Zoho


Sometimes we need to show/hide  certain fields as picklist value changes for example  there is field called ‘Reason’ and we want to hide this field as picklist ‘Product type’ changes to ‘Research’. We can achieve this by configuring fields action in deluge script. steps Go to the field on which you want to add action ,in above example ‘Product type’. Field Deluge Name is the name of the field...

How to Create a subform in Zoho


A subform is a form that is inserted into another form. In a one-to-many relationship, each parent record associates itself with multiple children. Using Subforms, users can display the parent and child records in one place without having to switch between forms. Zoho have field type ‘subform’ which you can insert blank form /existing form in the main form. To add the subform in the main form...
