ArchiveSeptember 2013 Solution Vendor for PRA Inc, Raleigh NC.


In September 2013, Nanostuffs started one of the best partnerships of all time with PRA Incorporation based out of Raleigh, North Carolina (USA). Thereafter, Nanostuffs provided expert resources for PRA both at onsite & offshore in India for almost 1.5 years. Nanostuffs assisted PRA on several projects, notably playing a pivotal role in implementing a large internal portal...

Download file in Attachments in Salesforce


public class ex_file_inSF { public void getExcelReport() { String AccId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Account acc = [Select Id from Account where Id =: AccId]; Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); string url = 'URL_Path'; url = url.replace(' ', '%20'); req.setEndpoint(url); req.setMethod('GET'); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xls'); // To...

Started onsite journies for me and Nanostuffs !!!!


It was first time in Nanostuffs’s history of sending resource for Onsite project and I am happy that was me. 🙂 As usual, everyone want different experiences in their own life and It was an opportunity for me to gather experiences. I was flying first time in my life + it was for US, quite excited moment I ever had. Here I have chance to share about Nishant & Ankita, how much they care...
