ArchiveJuly 2013

How to ObjectSerializer in to java to store in shared preference in Android


public class ObjectSerializer { // private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectSerializer.class); public static String serialize(Serializable obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) return ""; try { ByteArrayOutputStream serialObj = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objStream = new ObjectOutputStream(serialObj); objStream.writeObject(obj); objStream.close(); return...

Create a Lead in Salesforce using JAVA


In Salseforce  :     1. Download Enterprise WSDL  as name enterprise.wsdl     2. Download wsc-22.jar from      (wsdl and wsc-22 should be in same Directory)      goto Command Prompt     1. goto Directory where wsdl file located.     2. Type : java -classpath wsc-22.jar enterprise.wsdl.xml enterprise.jar     (enterprise.jar will be created)      In Eclipse :...

Add Products list to Activities i.e. Events and Tasks


Hello, Many of you want to add products lists to Events or Tasks because it is very important to have products list on Events or Tasks page layout so that if any of your sales person makes a call or mail to you, he should be able to give the list of products requested or sale. So, to have this functionality, please see the below screenshots; Add button on Task or Event Page layout as shown below:...

Get records using Salesforce Partner WSDL in .net


Hi, If you want to fetch the records from Salesforce object’s by using Partner WSDL in .net then use this code. It also fetch the number of records available in Salesforce custom and standard object. Step 1 : Create new Web-service project in .net Step 2 : Add your Partner WSDL  in your new project. For detail instruction Click here Steps 3 :  Add new Item to your project and name it as...

How to store the object in to database(Java Serializable Object to Byte Array)


The best way to do it is to use ApacheUtils: To Serialize: byte[] data = SerializationUtils.serialize(yourObject); deserialize: YourObject yourObject = (YourObject) SerializationUtils.deserialize(byte[] data) SerializationUtils Class: package com.example; import; import; import; import; import...
