ArchiveMarch 2012

Maximum number of custom fields allowed for Developer’s edition of


I was creating custom fields for a particular site and just got notification that the maximum number of custom fields reached. Please contact your administrator. The maximum number of custom fields allowed for developer’s edition are 500 fields/per object. Similarly for professional edition it is 100 fields/object.Additional restrictions apply for activities, long text area fields...

Which framework is best for PHP?


These days, Website Developer, Designer or Programmer asks a common question all the time-“Which framework is best for PHP?“. Because of availability of various frameworks like CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend, Symfony, Yii, etc., my answer is- its depends on following points(or we have to consider following points): What is my application going to do? which framework has a stable community...

Getting a Maps API Key from Google in Andriod Application


The MapView class in the Maps external library is a very useful class that lets you easily integrate Google Maps into your application. It provides built-in map downloading, rendering, and caching of Maps tiles, as well as a variety of display options and controls. Because MapView gives you access to Google Maps data, you need to register with the Google Maps service and agree to the applicable...

Movement from Unity 3d into Unity 3D iOS or Android


if u want to using buttons use this it will work in unity 3d and ios void OnGUI() { if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(50,210,40,40),"up")) { transform.Translate(Vector3.forward*Time.deltaTime*50); } if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(50,280,40,40),"down")) { transform.Translate(Vector3.back*Time.deltaTime*50); } if(GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(10,250,40,40),"left")) { transform.Rotate(Vector3.down, 90*Time...

How To Update ProgressBar in iPhone


//——————— .h File { NSTimer *timer; UIProgressView *myProgressBar; int StartingValue; } @property (nonatomic, retain) UIProgressView *myProgressBar; //———— .m File @synthesize myProgressBar; – (void)viewDidLoad { StartingValue = 0; myProgressBar = [[UIProgressView alloc] init]; myProgressBar.frame = CGRectMake(25, 100, 235...

How to add an icon to your iPhone application?


In this post we will learn how to add icon file to iphone application. First you must have icon file 57 x 57 pixels in png format. Once your icon is ready in 57 x 57 pixels and named Icon.png, right click the resources folder and add the Icon.png to resources and do not forget to check the  ‘Copy items into Destination’s folder’ box. Then in Resources folder , find...

To get the Multiple Notification on android Device


use this code to get the multiple notification on Android Device TO write this code on the set timer Intent intent = new Intent(SecondActivity.this, MyBroadcastReceiver.class);   intent.putExtra(“ID”, 10);   intent.putExtra(“Val”, “me aahe”);   final int intent_id= (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); PendingIntent p1 = PendingIntent...
