
Editing Records of Standard Objects from Salesforce site


Salesforce Sites or Force.com Sites lets you create web sites that run natively on Force.com. It allows external users to access and modify records from Salesforce without the need of authentication or license. But it does not allow Edit access to most of the standard objects. If there is a need to allow editing records of standard objects, one cannot directly edit them using fields directly on...

Auto populate related field when lookup filed is selected at run time in visualforce page.


Sometimes we need to populate related field according to selected lookup filed for the form submissions etc. and we need this to be happen at run-time. ex: In visualforce form contains lookup field of Account object and two field like Email,Phone when user select Account lookup the Email and Phone field will be populated  from Account’s email and phone field. We can achieve this using...

Unable to access Products from Salesforce.com Partner Portal [Solved]


Hi Folks, I was trying to setup a Salesforce.com Partner Portal for one of my client and realized that no matter I give Read access to Gold Partner User profile, I still cant see Products when logged in as a partner in the partner portal. Additionally, When you goto Setup -> Customize -> Partners -> Settings -> Customize Portal Tabs, I cant at all see Products as an option in the list...

How to use Visualforce IDs in jQuery


Prerequisites: You will need to download the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries. jQuery is the core library which offers DOM manipulation methods and jQuery UI is a higher level library which constructs widgets for use on your page. From the jQuery UI site, you can download a zip tailored to the portions of the libraries you need.Once you have the ZIP in hand, you’ll need to upload it as a static...

Creating Dependent SelectLists in VisualForce


We can create the SelectLists in VisualForce whose values will depend on the value selected in another selectlist.The method i have used here is using the Lists collection by programatically filling the values of the dependant selectlist based on the selected value. VisualForce code: <apex:outputLabel value=”Select State”‘> <apex:selectList value=”{...
