
iPhone app icon not showing in iTunes?


  Hi, Today I faced this issue, that even I had added the Icon with all the necessary sizes,  but when client opened ipa in iTunes it was not showing app icon. The solution for this was, 1. Make Icon of 512×512 size 2. Save it with name “iTunes Artwork” without extension. 3. Add it to the application Create ipa and open it in iTunes. Now check it will show you the icon in...

How to make UITextField’s text selected programmatically ?


  Hi, For making UITextField’s text selected programmatically you need to set the UITextField’s delegate linke below : txt.delegate = self; and then put following code in textFieldDidBeginEditing -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField { [textField selectAll:self]; } And don’t forget to add delegate in .h @interface ViewController : UIViewController...

Get SIM card details of iPhone


Here is the code to get SIM card details of iPhone 1) Add CoreTelephony framework 2) Import following libraries #import <CoreTelephony/CTCarrier.h> #import <CoreTelephony/CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h> 3) Use this code to get details CTTelephonyNetworkInfo* info = [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init]; CTCarrier* carrier = info.subscriberCellularProvider; NSString *carrierName = carrier...

Draw a line by touch On UIImageView in iPhone


Its much useful for drawing something on screen by touch. 1) Declare 4 objects in .h file CGPoint lastPoint; BOOL mouseSwiped; int mouseMoved; UIImageView *signImage; 2) First create a UIImageView object ie. a blank image in viewDidLoad signImage = [[UIImageView alloc ] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15, 60, 290, 320)]; signImage.image = nil; signImage.tag = 1000; signImage.layer.borderWidth = 3.0;...

iPhone Application Lifecycle


I just went through one presentation for iPhone application. So this post to share what I understood. First of all the main focus is how actually iPhone applications work. When user touches the icon of the application main() gets called by the system. main() creates the autoreleasepool and starts the application with UIApplicationMain object. UIApplicationMain creates the instance of the...

How to resize image programmatically in iPhone


Hello friends, many times we need to resize the UIImage runtime according to the need of application.  Here is the function which changes the size of the image and returns a new resized image – (UIImage *)reSizeTheImage:(UIImage *)image convertToSize:(CGSize)size { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size); [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height)]; UIImage *destImage =...

How to Create Write and Read a file in iphone without using playerprefs in unity3d


it is not that easy to read or write file in iphone we have to give the specific path in order to read or write. here is the sample code using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; public static class GameManager { private static string path; public static void starting () { path = Application.dataPath.Substring (0, Application.dataPath.Length - 20...

How to pick music file from music library in iPhone application


Like UIImagePickerView to pick image from image gallery we can also pick up any music file from the music gallery of the device and can use it in our application with the help of MPMediaPickerController. For that you need to add AVFoundation framework in your application. also to play the picked file we need to add MediaPlayer framework. and to use them just import them in respective view...

How to add an icon to your iPhone application?


In this post we will learn how to add icon file to iphone application. First you must have icon file 57 x 57 pixels in png format. Once your icon is ready in 57 x 57 pixels and named Icon.png, right click the resources folder and add the Icon.png to resources and do not forget to check the  ‘Copy items into Destination’s folder’ box. Then in Resources folder , find...
