
Zbar SDK is not working well in iOS6


To solved the problem follow the steps: Go to the ZBar homepage and navigate to the mercurial repository (direct link) Download the zbar repository as zip. Unzip the file and navigate to the subfolder named “iphone”. Open the XCode project. Delete the “Examples” folder (the folder caused a build error on my machine). Hit “CMD + B” and build the source. Find...

How to access passes from passbook in app?


Create AppId which is similar to passTypeIdentifier. For example if your passTypeIdentifier is pass.abc.xyz then your AppId must be com.abc.xyz .While creating provisioning profile make use of this appId and make use of this provisioning profile for your app. Then only you will be able to distinguish passes available in your passbook. Also, Keep in mind that the App ID you signing your code with...
