Using component in Visualforce


Some Visualforce components, such as <apex:pageBlockTable> or <apex:dataTable>, allow you to display information from multiple records at a time by iterating over a collection of records. To illustrate this concept, the following page uses the <apex:pageBlockTable> component to list the available job positions:

Visual Force Code:
<apex:pageblocktable value=”{!lstObjects}” var=”posts”>
<apex:column headerValue=”Name”> <apex:outputLink value=” !URLFOR($Action.positions__c.View,}” target=”_blank”>{!posts.position_title}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value=”{!posts.status}” headerValue=”Status”/>
<apex:column value=”{!posts.state}” headerValue=”State”/>
<apex:column value=”{!}” headerValue=”City”/>
<apex:column value=”{!posts.min_exp}yrs ” headerValue=”Experience Required”/>
<apex:column value=”{!posts.industry}” headerValue=”Industry”/>
<apex:column headerValue=”View Candidates”>
<apex:outputLink value=”/apex/Position_View”>View
<apex:param name=”position” value=”{!posts.position_title}”/>

APEX code:
public class PositionSearch
List<positions__c> retresults = new List<positions__c>();
public List<PositionSearch> lstObjects {get; set;}
public PageReference defaultPositions()
lstObjects = new List<PositionSearch>();
retResults = [Select id, name,status__c,state__c, city__c,experience__c,industry__c from positions__c];        for(positions__c pos: retResults)
PositionSearch tmp = new PositionSearch();
tmp.position_title =;
tmp.state = pos.state__c; = pos.city__c;
tmp.industry = pos.industry__c;
tmp.status = pos.status__c;
tmp.min_exp = pos.experience__c; =;
return null;

The <apex:pageBlockTable> Component

Like other iteration components, <apex:pageBlockTable> includes two required attributes, value and var:

  • value takes a list of sObject records or values of any other Apex type. In the example above, {!lstObjects} is the list of queried data.
  • var specifies the name of the iteration variable. This variable is used within the body of the <apex:pageBlockTable> tag to access the fields on each contact. In this example, value=”{!posts}” is used on the <apex:column> tag to iterate through the returned list.

The <apex:pageBlockTable> component automatically takes on the styling of a standard Salesforce list. To display a list with your own styling, use <apex:dataTable> instead.




About the author

By ankit.shah
