CategoryGeneral / Mix Platforms

Could not load file or assembly ‘MySql.Data, Version=, …” [Solved]


Error: If you are accessing MySql from your ASP.NET code and getting this error after uploading code to Server: Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly ‘MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Solution: Make sure /bin/MySql.Data.dll exists on root folder. I was...

How to Create Write and Read a file in iphone without using playerprefs in unity3d


it is not that easy to read or write file in iphone we have to give the specific path in order to read or write. here is the sample code using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; public static class GameManager { private static string path; public static void starting () { path = Application.dataPath.Substring (0, Application.dataPath.Length - 20...

How to make an AI Enemy Car in which it follows the track during the Race ?


The AI for enemy car can be done by using waypoints method.. the following code is used var waypoint : Transform[]; var speed : float =20; private var currentWaypoint : int; var loop : boolean = true; function Awake() {waypoint[0]=transform;} function Update () { if(currentWaypoint < waypoint.Length) { var target : Vector3 = waypoint[currentWaypoint].position; var moveDirection : Vector3 =...

Custom Fonts in Blackberry Application


Download the .ttf (True Type Font)file and include it in src folder. Include this code into the constructor. EditField edField1 = new EditField (“”, “TestEditField”, 30, EditField.READONLY| EditField.FIELD_VCENTER){ protected void layout(int width, int height) { super.layout(customWidth, customHeight); setExtent(customWidth, customHeight); } }; Font fo3 =...

How to import Chinese characters in Mysql Table?


I know proper way to do this does exists but I was falling short of time and wasnt able to find perfect solution, so used this a way around to import a list of chinese cities in chinese language to one of my mysql table. 1. 1st changed the table structure to make the city field collation as big5_chinese_ci 2. I had the list of chinese cities in chinese language in excel sheet. Using a small VBA...

How to signed Blackberry Application


Code Signing in not required when applications are loaded and tested on a BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator. Developers order code signing keys from RIM, and receive a set of files that are then installed on their development machine.  The BlackBerry development tools are then able to provide these key files to the BlackBerry Signature Tool when the developer requests that their application be...

How to Send Email through Simulator in blackberry


If you are using Blackberry Java Eclipse Plugins then follow the steps. Step-1:   a) Sending Email Without Attachment. //Get the Store from the default mail Session. Store store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore(); //retrieve the sent folder Folder[] folders = store.list(Folder.SENT); Folder sentfolder = folders[0]; //create a new message and store it in the sent folder Message msg = new...

Weird movment of character in Unity3D


Question:I imported a simple 3d model from which I construtected a terain. For a test I use box(mesh), but movment is really weird like that models would be realy bumpy. Because of that I also tryed to switch my models with unity meshes but it’s same   Answer:In ur game select cube in that u have added rigidbody. In Rigidbody select the constraints in that u will see freeze rotation...
