
Date Format.


One must be careful that, if his/her app uses system date then make sure it is having a predefined format also. Since Apple devices have individual default date formats and they are different for two different devices even if the device belongs to same category(i.e. iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad and etc.) Predefining the date format will fetch the date in the defined form independent of what the...

Social Media Posts from the app.


Apple has introduced a very interesting and easy to use UIActivityViewController class in iOS 6.0 and above versions which allows us to directly post something using the already configured Social media ( Facebook and Twitter) Accounts in the Apple device(iPhone or iPad). Below code will help you know the concept better. NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString:@”;];   NSString * postText =...

App crash vulnerability in iOS 6.0 and above


while setting a root viewcontroller of the app one must make sure that navigationcontroller object has been set rootviewcontroller of the window and not been added as subview of the window. It was ok in iOS 5.1 and lower versions but for iOS 6.0 and above it can cause crash issue. I’ll explain using the below code snippet which is used in the app delegate of the app...
